A Week at Shady Nook

I’ve been fortunate in having opportunities come my way to work with some really good potters this past year. I just returned from a week on one of the Thousand Islands in New York where Reston pottery and sculpture instructor Guy Zoller has a house and pottery studio. He invited me and my husband to join him on his island, where we found ourselves in a little corner of heaven. Beautiful views, wonderful sunsets, fantastic pottery studio, good company–what more could one ask for?!

Here is where I spent a good portion of the week: in the studio, which had a window that opened up to a gorgeous view of the St. Lawrence River. I listened to the musical songs of loons and cormorants, the low thrum of tankers in the shipping lanes, and the high buzz of speed boats whizzing by, as well as Guy’s music stream, which was was pretty good, too, while I practiced throwing pot after pot.



I received a lot of one-on-one instruction–always a good thing–and made a few good pots and a few…well, you know how it goes. I started small, as usual , but my goal was to start making larger pieces. After stepping out of my comfort zone for the better part of a week, I’m a lot more at ease throwing 5 lbs. or more of clay now. I also took on lids. The pot with the holes is a garlic keeper. I also made a whole slew of big bowls to use for my breadmaking.



Of course I had my fair share of “crash and burns” as well, especially where lids were concerned. No matter. I started over again each time.


For my last project, I made two casserole dishes–one large and one smaller. I didn’t think I could successfully create a lid for the larger dish, but I took on the smaller one (lid not shown here). After several tries, I believe I was successful. I’ll see how it turned out (i.e., does the lid fit well) when I get back the bisqued dish.


When I wasn’t making pots, I was enjoying the views and the peace and quiet, or heading out for some sightseeing of the area. We visited the nearby Boldt Castle and an antique boat museum. The nearest town was Alexandria Bay where Pirate Week was in full swing. Never saw so many pirates in one place! Everyone, old and young got into the act.


Here was our main mode of transportation!


Ace the dog was also good company. He had no opinion as to the quality of my work. He was only interested in what I was eating and if I would share any of it with him.


Guy is hoping to entice other (paying) potters to come to his island to spend some quiet artist time working in his studio next summer. If you’re a potter who is interested in a working getaway for a week or so in May or June next year, get in touch with him at riverwaterartworks@yahoo.com. It will be worth your time.