A Fiesta of Lemons and a Few Watermelons

Here is the rest of my first batch of lemony majolicaware. I’m sure I’m not finished with lemons yet, but I am also simultaneously reaching out to other fruit to be subjects. To wit, see the full set of watermelon bowls below.

In case you were wondering, the little jobbies with the spouts are egg white separators. They actually work! A good solution for cooks who prefer not to pour egg contents back and forth in the sharp-edged broken shell to separate out the egg whites for meringue.

Two of the watermelons are majolica in that underglaze is painted over a white tin-based glaze. Two are not in that they have red underglaze painted directly on the bisqueware and have green glaze for the “skin” rather than underglaze, and are then clear-glazed. Can you tell which is which?

Lemon Tree

Here is another member of my recent explosion of lemon-themed functional majolica ware. This piece has found a new home by way of last weekend’s pottery sale. This plate at 10 inches just fit into my tiny test kiln, which I am still relying on. I should have a full-sized kiln by the end of the month! And then maybe I can learn how to make larger work!