First Deliverables of the Year

Somewhere along the line, I acquired a repeat customer who loves my “Mediterranean ware.” These pasta bowls and French coffee mugs will move to their new home later this week. The four bowls will be added to four other bowls I made…probably in 2022, to make a set of eight. The French coffee mugs are also going to make a set, but one is to replace a mug that got broken and the others are to join the original remaining mug to make a set of four.

This was a challenging task for me because all I had to go on visually was a printout of the photo I snapped of the first bowls and mugs and my memory. The clay is most assuredly different from the original stonewareI used and the new stoneware appears to have had a higher shrinkage rate. The four new bowls will most likely be a bit smaller than the original bowls. Same for the mugs.

The “yellow” color that appears on both the bowls and the mugs was one I originally created by mixing together white, various yellows, and a bit of red and/or orange underglazes. It’s impossible to determine the actual color outcome until the pieces are glaze fired. The newer pieces are much warmer (i.e., orangey) than the original pieces. I think the color is lush and beautiful, but I sure hope they are not so far removed from the originals as to jangle the perception of a set! Such is the unpredictability of making ceramics. I hate it, I love it!

Author: Photoeclectia and Ceramiclectia

Photoeclectia is my photography moniker, but my Wordpress presence now extends to both photography (a much older interest) and ceramics (a newer interest in which I'm pursuing a masters degree). Feel free to follow both!

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