Sneak Peak: Majolica Madness

I’ve been busy preparing for two shows and a class. The majolica bug has bitten me. I’ll come back later and show many more works with accompanying explanations, but for now I just want to show off one more in my continuing line of lemon-themed pieces and the latest: watermelons.

In the meantime, I and 54 other potters will be participating in the Montgomery Potters’ second semi-annual 2-day tour and sale at 12 locations across Montgomery County, Maryland. If you are within throwing distance, come on over! Saturday and Sunday, October 2 and 3, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Something Different

Can you imagine this guy with straight or curly green hair sprouting out of the top of his head? I made this for my son.

The Amaco oatmeal glaze made an interesting complexion. For the mustache and eyebrows I used my matte black glaze and for the hair, my newly formulated black lava glaze.

Finishing Up Summer Work

These two are test pieces I made, but didn’t use for various summer classes I took. The vase on the right started out as a circular closed form. I used to find closed forms really hard to make, but I threw three of them lickety-split this last time I tried. This one didn’t stay a closed form. It was too tempting to add a slab cylinder to make my favorite pot shape. I also used black lava glaze I’m testing as a lowlight.

The vase on the left has a sgraffito design. I applied two different colors of underglaze, then covered it all over with black glaze. Then, like scratching through crayon on paper to reveal crayon colors beneath, I scratched through the black glaze to reveal the colored underglaze.